Monday, May 28, 2007

Home again and Memorial Day

I got home on Saturday from the building job at Palestine, Texas.

The building job was very large. The building was a metal building, 100 by 125 feet or 125,000 square feet. We had 34 TBM men and about 8 local men working. When we left, all the framing was done, about 90% of the sheet rock was complete and the electrical was complete except for mounting/installing the lighting fixtures and switches. The plumbing was 75% complete also.

The layout was of 11 classrooms 17 by 17 feet, two nursury rooms, a gym, a large kitchen, 2 large bathrooms with double showers and a large conference room.

The gym was sheet rocked to the roof with the first 12 feet being a high impact sheet rock. They plan to convert it to a temporary sanctuary when they build their larger sancturacy.

It is good to be home.

With this being Memorial Day, I am very proud of our service men and women. We should hold them up in prayer every single day.

God Bless our troops.