Thursday, February 05, 2009

Now is the Time

All stories copyright 2009 Bob Perks
Today's message:
"Now is the time"
By Bob Perks

I've wasted it.
I've spent it.
I've given it.
I've passed it.
I've sold it.
Now I'm trying to find more of it.
I've discovered that no one knows exactly what time it is.
I was driving the other day and listening to my radio.
The announcer said it was 2:15. I looked at the clock
on the radio dial and it said it was 2:10. I don't wear
a watch anymore because I carry a phone with me. Unable
to reach for the phone, I looked for a clock along the
road I was traveling.
The bank clock said it was 2:18.
Coming to a red light I pulled my cell phone out and
when I opened it it said 2:20.
All of this within a two minute travel time and none
of the clocks agreed or even came close to agreeing.
When I arrived home My kitchen clock said it was now
2:45. My microwave said it was 2:42. My dining room
clock said it was 2:40.
My phone?
The words from a song by the group Chicago came to mind.
"Does anyone really know what time it is?
Does anyone really care?"
No I can't imagine why
We've all got time enough to cry"
So, I began to think about how really precious time is
and decided to begin collecting it.
Every time I find a difference between one clock
and another, I'll just save the minutes. I'll choose
to take the earlier time.
Now, that will most likely make me late for appointments.
Or everyone else early.
Then I realized something. There really isn't any time
at all. Time was a tool created by mankind in an effort
to keep track of everything.
The truth is the only real time is now.
Do you understand that?
I'll say it again...The truth is the only real time is now.
At this very second it is today and tomorrow depending on
where you live in the world.
Forget the calendar, too.
It's day time and night time at the same time in the world.
It is sunrise and sunset and summer and winter.
In that same second there is birth and death.
Beginnings and endings.
Happiness and sadness.
You and me.
So, what are you going to do?
Really, if all you have is now, are you going to sit down
or stand up?
If all you have is now are you going to stop or go?
If all you have is now, are you going to hate or love?
If all you have is now, are you going to forgive or grudge?
If all you have is now, are you going to live or wait to die?
The truth is the only real time is now.
Now...what are you going to do?

"I believe in you!"
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