Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Kind Word


*Kind Word*

A man walked into a restaurant in a strange town. The waiter came and asked him for his order. Feeling lonely, he replied, "Meat loaf and a kind word."

When the waiter returned with the meat loaf, the man said, "Okay, so where's the kind word?"

The waiter put down the meat loaf and sighed, bent down, and whispered gently, "Don't eat the meat loaf."

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*

Monday, March 30, 2009

Good Singer


*Good Singer*

In a Brooklyn upscale pet shop, an elderly woman burst into the store. "I want to buy a canary, but it's got to be a real good singer. I've got good, hard U.S. cash, but I'm only paying only for a good singer."

The shop owner began moving a ladder towards a small cage on a shelf about fifteen feet up, near the ceiling of the store. "Ma'am, I'm forty years in this business. In that cage is the best singer I've ever had ."

"Don't think I'm gonna feel obligated to pay for something I don't want just because you're climbing up a ladder like a monkey. I want a canary but it's got to be the best singer."

By this point the shop keeper was coming down from the ladder. "Ma'am, this bird is a veritable feathered Caruso!" Placing the cage on the counter, the bird burst into melody after melody.

Awed, the woman murmured, "This bird is really a good singer."

Suddenly in a shrill scream, "Hey, what's with you? This bird's only got one leg."

The pet store owner was unperturbed, "Lady what do you want a singer ? . . . . . or a dancer?"

*Thanks to Pastor Tim for this joke!*

Friday, March 27, 2009

Christian Quotation of the Day

Good Morning,

The following is a copy of an email sent to me today as they do each day. You may want to sign up for these to come to you each day.


Christian Quotation of the Day

March 27, 2009

Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you
will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day
you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me,
and I am in you.
-- John 14:19,20 (NIV)


If I could hear Christ praying for me in the next room, I
would not fear a million enemies. Yet distance makes no
difference. He is praying for me.
... Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843), The Life and
Remains, Letters, Lectures, and Poems of the Rev.
Robert Murray McCheyne, Andrew Alexander Bonar, New
York, R. Carter, 1866, p.138
See the book at http://cqod.com/r/rs026


Quiet time reflection:
Lord, Your presence drives out all fear.


This week's suggested answers are now available at


See Believer's Desktop Companion 2007


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