Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Too Much Too Much

Today's blog world is almost too much to handle. The link on this post is almost too gruesome to recommend but it informs us as to what to expect if the Muslems get their way.

Michelle Malkin has several excellent posts. I liked her BOO FREAKIN HOO AWARD OF THE DAY. She also references Ralph Peters article Kill Don't Capture which will undoubtedly raise the hackels of the left side of the isle; especially the sob sisters, and yellow bellies of our country.

And now for some humor thanks to Thirsty Theologian

In medieval times there was a court jester whose wont was always to come up with the most atrocious puns. This continued for months on end, whereupon the king lost his patience and sentenced the jester to be hanged.

The poor wretch was standing on the gallows with a rope around his neck when a messenger came riding posthaste from the castle, exclaiming, "Wait! The king has decided to spare the jester's life, provided that he never again tell another pun in public."

At this, the jester smiled and beamed, then said, "No noose is good news!"

And here is a good way to lose your car: Crime Does Pay.

For those readers that like the technical side of life. Here is a link to a company that manufactures high speed video cameras. On the page are several clips showing bullets going through different objects as well as one of a van crashing into a wall.

For now, have a good day.

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