Friday, August 18, 2006

Deacon Dodd

Sorry about no post yesterday. Two appointments in Austin and several errands to run were all this old bod could handle!


Deacon Dodd

Deacon Dodd once feelingly said,
About his Betsy, long since dead,
"If ever an angel loved a man,
That angel, sir, was Betsy Ann;
If I happened to scold her, she was so meek,
(Which the Deacon did seven times a week!)
She'd clap her apron up to her eye,
And never say nothin', but only cry."
But, ladies, p'rhaps you'd like to be told,
That Deacon Dodd, like other men,
Waited a year, and married again;
But he married a most inveterate scold.
And now `tis the Deacon's turn to be meek,
As he gets well rasped from week to week!
But rather than "open his head" he'd burst,
He wishes the second was with the first!
But as she's as tough as a hickory limb,
No doubt she'll live to say of him,
"If ever a saint the footstool trod,
That man - that saint - was Deacon Dobb."

From The Library of Wit and Wisdom, edited by A.R. Spofford, Librarian of Congress, 1891.


Secret Weapon for Desert Warfare

Go here for the article.

If there is a question about the authenticity, go here for the account of the truthfulness of the article. Interesting read.

I don't think we need worry about our military using this weapon today. There are too many weak kneed cry babies (read ACLU) who would cry foul. If there is any doubt, you havn't heard how they are decrying the use of the information Pakistan police obtained by severe questioning of a prisoner that prevented the thousands of lives lost in the last terrorist attempt on our airlines. Common sense where art thou?


The link below takes one to an article by Oliver North titled "The rise of the caliphate." For the reader that is not familiar with the term "caliphate," then do please read the article "THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS AND THE GREAT CALIPHAT" By Larry Abraham which can be found here.

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