Sunday, September 03, 2006


We will be leaving after church today for Houston to spend Labor Day with daughter and son and wife. Then we head to points North. Specifically, Aurora, CO. where our other son and family live. We will spend about a week with them with part of the time in the mountains camping. Then we will migrate South West to Pagossa Springs, CO to visit friends and to relax in the cool mountain air.

Our plan is to return to La Grange in late September or early October. As before, when we get into the cool mountain air, the old truck and RV will probably not want to head South into the heat!

I will try to update the Blog from time to time as I have access to the Internet.

Please pray for our safe travels,


While the soldiers stood at attention during a parade, a private waved to someone in the audience. "Jones, never do that again!" the drill instructor whispered. But a few minutes later, the soldier waved a second time.

Back in the barracks after the parade, the DI stormed in and barked for Jones to come front and center. "Son, you knew I was going to see you," he screamed. "You knew it was wrong. Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Yes, sir!" replied Jones. "But you don't know my mother!"

Thanks to Pastor Tim


Designating the Battlefields Is Essential
By Frank Salvato
September 01, 2006

The progressive, anti-war left is making a great deal of noise about Iraq not being a legitimate battlefield in the war on Islamofascism. They do so despite the fact that there are indeed terrorists waging jihad against pro-Western and pro-democracy forces in that theater.

With the very survival of Western Civilization hanging in the balance, it is time for all those who are blinded by the semantics of their ideologies to understand that in the war against Islamofascism, the entire world is a battlefield.
We all need to remember that it is better to pick the fields on which to wage battle than to wake up with a sword at your throat. That's why, to anyone with any common sense and vision, Iraq is the central battlefield in the war against Islamofascism.

Read this excellent article and comments at:


The link below is to an article that contains some rather rough language. If your ears are not too sensative read the article and comments. His ability with writing is great. What a use words to paint a picture!

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