Thursday, October 19, 2006

Rough Landing

"I can just imagine that the passengers on this flight clapped after the plane came to a stop - at least the ones who were still conscious."

Rough Landing


During a January revival an evangelist asked the people in line what they needed. One man's request was for his hearing. The evangelist spit on his finger, put it in the man's ear, prayed for him and asked him, "How's your hearing?"

The man replied, "I don't know. It's not until next Tuesday."


Old Jeb is the laziest man in the county. One day his best friend drove by his farm and noticed his barn was on fire. "Your barn's burning down," he yelled.

"I know it," replied Jeb.

"Well, ain't ya gonna do somethin'?" asked the friend.

"Do somethin'?" responded Jeb. "'Bout what?"

"Why about puttin' out the fire, ya durn fool." answered the friend.

"I am doin' somethin'." replied Jeb.

"What the heck are you doin', jist sittin' there 'n all?" asked Jeb's friend.

"I ain't jist sittin'," replied Jeb, "I'm sittin' here prayin' for rain."

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