Monday, January 21, 2008

Monday Musings

Yesterday was a very good day at church. The Sunday School lesson went well and the Pastor's sermon on the Sanctity of Life was excellent.

The broken left heel is apparently healed well. I can put considerable pressure on the cast without any pain. The cast will come off on Thursday and I can hardly wait. Just what activity will be possible with the walking boot is unknown now. Hopefully I can start doing some outside yard cleanup soon. Several pine trees that have fallen victim to the pine bark beetle need cutting down and removed.

This morning Mountain Wings has an excellent article. All Christians should read this piece to give a perspective on integration that is most revealing. It is a long read but well worth the time. I will not copy it to this blog but the web address is:

Thought for today: Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
..... Jimmy Johnson NFL Coach

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