Saturday, January 12, 2008

What we hope to do

"The guests at a certain hotel were being made uncomfortable by the repeated strumming on a piano by a little girl who possessed no musical knowledge. They complained to the owner with the hope of having the annoyance stopped.

‘I am sorry you are annoyed,’ he said. ‘But the girl is the child of one of my very best guests. I can hardly ask her not to touch the piano. But her father, who is away for a day or so, will return tomorrow. You can approach him and have the matter settled.’

When the father returned, be found his daughter in the reception room thumping on the piano. He walked up behind the child, put his arms over her shoulders, took her hands in his, and produced some beautiful music.

So may it be with us, and so will it be some day. Just now, we can produce only clamor and disharmony; but, one day, the Lord Jesus will take hold of our hands of faith and prayer and use them to bring forth the music of the skies. "—Anonymous.

Unfortunately, the above only applies to those of us who have accepted the Lord Jesus as our Saviour and Lord. If the reader is not one who believes yet, may we suggest that you visit the following web page and read about God's Love:

Have a good day.

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