Friday, February 29, 2008

Satisfied Mind

The entry below is from MountainWings in your mailbox. The slide show has a powerful message and one that all ages should take to heart. A satisfied mind is more important than all the money in the world.

I have read somewhere in the past an email which told how some of the richest men in the world were not really happy. Being driven to get more and more must be as adictive as drugs.

There have been men who made a fortune and then turned it to blessing the less fortunate. This may have come from a guilty conscience or it could have been rightly from a sense of doing the right thing in return for the Lord's blessing.

Have a good day.

Click the link below to view this month's movie:

The last Friday of each even numbered month features a new movie

This month's movie is entitled, "How Much Can You Take?" ...enjoy!!!

Click the link below to view this month's movie:

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Thank you for inviting MountainWings in your mailbox.
See you tomorrow.

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