Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Wedding weekend

The weekend started on Thursday. In the morning I met with the judge to probate the will and then to the financial adviser to sign some more papers. Then home to finish packing and then back to the doctor at 1:30 to be told that I could take the boot off and walk normal for the first time since the end of December. Thank goodness! Then home to pick up the cat and her stuff and drive to Houston. Deposited the cat with Don and Toni and had to inspect the kitchen he is redecorating–beautiful.

Off to pick up Linda and drive to Fort Worth. Before we left I took all the directions into the house so I could call the club to see if we could check in at about 10:30 pm. Guess what, we left all the maps, locations and times at Linda’s house. When we got to Fort Worth and discovered that the maps and addresses were at home we had a problem. Fortunately, I had studied just how I planned to get from I35 to the Fort Worth Club. Memory did not fail me this time, thank the Good Lord.

When we checked in we asked the night security guard when I could get coffee in the morning. He said the cafĂ© didn’t open until 7 but that if I came to the front desk and called the guard on duty, they would bring me a cup of coffee. I usually am up at 5 am so this was a relief. However, I slept very well and at 5 am, by the room clock, there was a knock at the door and a very pleasant female guard handed me a beautiful silver tray with complete coffee service! Actually, it was 6 am because the clock had not been reset for daylight saving time!

We had lunch with the groom, his brother and the groom’s father in the club restaurant. We explored some of Fort Worth in the afternoon and then attended the rehearsal dinner. It was held in a large Mexican restaurant where we had a large room to ourselves. There had to be 150 or more people there. They showed a slide show presentation of the bride and groom as they grew up and as they got together. Got to meet the bride’s family.

On Saturday, Linda wanted to go to the aquarium in Dallas. We didn’t leave early enough and then took much too long to find the place. After parking, we found that we only had about an hour to see the aquarium so we drove back to Fort Worth. We had a lot of fun getting lost etc.

The wedding took place at the South side Baptist Church, a large old style church with organ and all the stained glass to go with such an edifice. However the sound system was either terrible or the operator didn’t know how to prevent the echo.

The wedding reception was held in the Fort Worth Club. A more extensive display of food, beverage, and decoration I have never seen before! My guess is that there were 200 or more there. The two families are very large and have many good friends. They had a very good disk jockey and the people had a great time dancing. Linda even got me up to try a two-step at one time. We left at 11 pm and there is no telling when the party broke up.

Sunday, we attended church with a former dance partner friend of Linda’s and his wife. Then had lunch with them. We drove to Houston and I spent the night at Don and Toni’s place. Drove home on Monday. All considered it was a very fine weekend. Linda was a great help with the driving and her being with me made the trip much more enjoyable. She is a great help to me at this time.

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