Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Two for one today

After being married for 44 years, I took a careful look at my wife one day and said, "Honey, 44 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed, and watched a 10-inch black and white TV; but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25-year-old gal.

Now I have a $500,000 home, a $45,000 car, nice big bed, and plasma screen TV; but I'm sleeping with a 65-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things."

My wife is a very reasonable woman. She told me to go out and find a hot 25-year-old gal, and she would make sure that I would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed, and watching a 10-inch black and white TV.

Aren't older women great? They really know how to solve your mid-life crisis.

Thank you B. Farland for this one



One morning you will never wake up. Do all your friends know you love them? I was thinking I could die today, tomorrow or next week, and I wondered if I had any wounds needing to be healed, friendships that needed rekindling, or three words needing to be said.

Let every one of your friends know you love them. Even if you think they don't love you back, you would be amazed at what those three little words and a smile can do. And just in case GOD calls me home before I see you again......I LOVE YOU!!!

Send this to the people you love and send it back to the person who sent it to you.

Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised!

Thank You P. Boney for this one.

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