Saturday, April 03, 2010


The following saying is one that we should all keep in mind while watching the news of what is happening in government circles.


“It is better to lose with a conscience clean
Than to win with a trick unfair;
It is better to fail and to know you̓ve been
Whatever the price was, square,
Than to claim the joy of a far-off goal
And the cheers of the passerby,
And to know down deep in your inmost soul
A cheat you must live and die.

Who wins by tricks may take the prize,
And at first he may think it sweet,
But many a day in the future lies
When he̓ll wish he had met defeat;
For the man who lost shall be glad at heart
And walk with his head up high,
While his conqueror knows he must play the part
Of a cheat and a living lie.

The prize seems fair when the fight is on,
But since it is not truly won,
You will hate the thing when the crowds are gone,
For it stands for a false deed done;
And it̓s better you never should reach your goal
Than ever success to buy,
At the price of knowing deep down in your soul
That your glory is all a lie.”


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