Monday, October 11, 2010

Watchman Nee

The following is from:

How to be empowered by God
Oct 10th, 2010 in Jim's Blog by Jim Denison
2 Comments Comments
Watchman Nee

Watchman Nee

I am speaking tomorrow morning in chapel at Dallas Baptist University. In looking over my notes tonight, I felt moved to share with you a quotation with which I’ll close the message. It comes from Watchman Nee, the remarkable Chinese theologian. Nee planted churches across China for 30 years, then spent the last 20 years of his life imprisoned for his faith. His example makes powerful this exhortation:

“A day must come in our lives, as definite as the day of our conversion, when we give up all right to ourselves and submit to the absolute Lordship of Jesus Christ…There must be a day when, without reservation, we surrender everything to Him—ourselves, our families, our possessions, our business and our time. All we are and have becomes His, to be held henceforth entirely at His disposal. From that day we are no longer our own masters, but only stewards.

“Not until the Lordship of Jesus Christ is a settled thing in our hearts can the Holy Spirit really operate effectively in us. He cannot direct our lives until all control of them is committed to Him. If we do not give Him absolute authority in our lives, He can be present, but He cannot be powerful. The power of the Spirit is stayed” (The Norman Christian Life, 134-5).

Has this day come yet for you?

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