Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Busy Tuesday

This is a busy Tuesday, up at 5 am to go to the men's bible study, then home for breakfast and now soon to go back to church to continue helping remodel the front of the auditorium.

Here is a good article that supports my contention that most of the MSM media is intent upon brainwashing the American public to believe in their radical left wing politics.

CBS is now officially the communication for barbarians serviceBy Dennis PragerTuesday, August 15, 2006
A little over three years ago, CBS sent Dan Rather to Baghdad to ask meaningless questions to, and provide a propaganda vehicle for, Saddam Hussein. Last night, Communication for Barbarians Service broadcast Mike Wallace's equally meaningless interview with the Islamic Republic of Iran's fanatical leader.

Interviews with evil leaders are meaningless at best and destructive at worst. Few reporters will ask real questions or challenge the propaganda responses of these leaders. These interviews merely offer them invaluable "humanizing" time and ask questions that reconfirm the low state of television news.

Read the complete article here

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