Thursday, March 04, 2010

I Saw God's Hand

I saw the hand of God move
Not In the sky with grandiose scheme,
But I saw His hand move among men
In such quiet way that It would seem
That It was not His hand that moved,
But I am certain and am sure because
All things worked out for good;
There Is no doubt, I know It was.
I found one day that Instead of sunshine
Along my way there came a rain;
I also found that beneath those cloudy skies
There was a peace that came with pain.
I saw the walls that I had built
Crumble and fall, and become rubble at my feet,
But I saw them rise again stronger than before,
Because God’s hand built them new and complete.

I thought I could not stand the pain
When injury and Insult were thrown at me,
But I saw God’s hand, a nail-scarred hand,
Reach down from the crucifixion tree,
And take my poor trembling arm,
And lift me up from the stunning blow,
And give my fainting heart new life,
Yes, I saw the hand of God move, I know.

—E. J. Morgan

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